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CachéRDD implementation is a two-part process

1.  Server-side Deployment.
2.  Client-side Linking and Execution.


Server-side installation involves following steps:

1. Creating Databases and Namespaces.
2. Copying as provided OR ( Compiling from Sources and Transferring ) CACHERDD object database in CACHERDD local database folder as created in step#1.
3. Mapping RDD specific package and routines to data namespaces.


Client-side Linking and Execution involves following steps:

     CacheRDD is a Harbour contrib and resides in /harbour/contrib/cacherdd. It includes:

a. RDD sources to create <cacherdd.a | lib>, depending upon the compiler used. Tested for BCC and MinGW on Windows.
b. Binaries to distribute with your application, only for Windows clients.
c. Sources to link to CacheMGR.exe responsible to manage various aspects of tables in Cache. Read more...