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CacheUploadByBuffer(  <cDbf>, <cTable>, [<cSchema>], [<lEraseIfExist>], [<bExeBefore>], [<bExeDuring>], [<nEvery>], [<bExeAfter>] ) -> lSuccess

The function tries to upload a .DBF as raw bytes in 32 kb chunks. It is an extremely fast mechanism to upload data or transfer tables to Cache. It is a handy mechanism to put existing tables in Cache in a phased manner. Please note that no indexes are created under this protocol.

<cDbf> the fully qualified path of a valid .DBF ( DBFCDX or DBFNTX ). DBFCDX driver is used to open the table without any indexes.

<cTable> the name of the table in the database. The name must be a bare name, no path or extension included. It is normalized to upper case.

[<cSchema>] schema name where this table will be created. By default it is "SQLUSER".

[<lEraseIfExist>] flag to specify if the table on the server be dropped first. By default it is FLASE.

[<bExeBefore>] block to be executed prior to starting the upload process as : bExeBefore := {| cDbf, nTotalRecords | DispUploadStatus( cDbf, nTotalRecords ) }

[<bExeDuring>] block to be executed during upload process after every [<nEvery>] records as : bExeDuring := {| nRecsUploaded | DispUploadStatus( nRecsUploaded ) }

[<nEvery>] wait for number of records to upload for evaluating [<bExeDuring>] block.

[<bExeAfter>] block to be executed after all records have been uploaded as: bExeAfter := {| cDbf, cTable, nRecordsUploaded, nRecsInTable | DispUploadStatus( cDbf, cTable, nRecordsUploaded, nRecsInTable ) }


CacheMGR offers an option to upload .dbfs and displays the progress of such uploads on its interface. Once uploaded, you can take use of its other option <Create Index by Tag>.